An illustration of a pipeline
Spend less on observability
Get more from your telemetry data gives you complete control over your metrics, logs and traces.
Explore, transform, and route telemetry data to cut vendor costs, improve data quality, and reduce downtime.

Insights in seconds

Generate a global overview of your telemetry data with just a few line changes. Discover wasteful resource consumption and data quality issues before your data lands with vendors.
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Exploring and understanding your telemetry data.
Datable product graphic showing pipeline

Flexible data pipelines

Run any JavaScript logic against your telemetry data in real-time. Perform aggregations, enforce schemas, enable sampling or filter PII - if it’s valid JS, it just works.
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Reduced cloud spend

Clean and optimize your telemetry data before it lands with downstream consumers to eliminate redundant vendor costs. Easily peel off and route data between destinations to adopt or test new tools.
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Sample transformation graphic with charts and a data table
Take control of your telemetry data